White Collar Crime

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White Collar Crime | White Collar Defense

BEST white collar criminal defense lawyer Akron Cleveland Ohio

Hiltner Law is experienced at representing professionals at all levels of the state and federal courts, including preliminary government investigations, grand jury investigations, plea negotiations, jury trials and criminal appeals. If you have been charged with a white collar crime or corporate fraud, or have reason to believe you are being investigated, Hiltner Law, can provide the criminal defense you need.

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White Collar Attorney: Ohio White Collar Crime Defense Attorney

best white collar crime lawyer akron ohio cleveland

If trial becomes necessary, Hiltner Law will question potential witnesses, investigate to uncover favorable evidence, and challenge evidence collected by the prosecution, offering the greatest opportunity for a favorable jury verdict.


Akron Attorney possesses an intimate knowledge of Ohio criminal laws and uses these resources to effectively negotiate with prosecutors, in appropriate cases, to secure a favorable settlement including reduced or dismissed charges.

  • Antitrust
  • Environmental
  • Fraud – Medicare/Medicaid Fraud
  • Wire Fraud
  • Mail Fraud
  • Bankruptcy Fraud
  • Credit Card Fraud
  • Embezzlement
  • Perjury
  • Money Laundering
  • Larceny
  • Theft
  • Forgery
  • Extortion And Computer Crimes – Computer Hacking Computer Theft
  • Internet Theft Piracy And Fraud

Choosing the Right White Collar Attorney

White-Collar crime, also known as corporate crime, refers to non-violent crimes that are money motivated. It is business or government professionals that commit this type of crime. Examples include embezzlement, securities fraud, money laundering, and more.

If you are facing corporate crime accusations, it is important to choose the right type of lawyer to represent you. We know there’s a time crunch, but don’t rush the process. Instead, find a lawyer that makes you feel comfortable and confident. At Hiltner Law, we take the time to listen to our client’s story and always return your calls. Hilter’s team is equipped with experienced trial lawyers who are very well-versed when it comes to the court process — if it gets to that point. Every step of the process, we’re right by your side.

Choose one the of “The Best Lawyers in America”
for criminal defense.