White Collar Crime | Hiltner Law

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White Collar Crime | Hiltner Law

Are you facing white collar crime charges? Prepare yourself by lawyering up. Whether you are simply being investigated or have already been indicted, our team at Hiltner Law is ready to assist.

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How to Choose a White Collar Crime Lawyer

White-Collar crime, also known as corporate crime, refers to non-violent crimes that are money motivated. It is business or government professionals that commit this type of crime. Examples include embezzlement, securities fraud, money laundering, and more.

If you are facing corporate crime accusations, it is important to choose the right type of lawyer to represent you. We know there’s a time crunch, but don’t rush the process. Instead, find a lawyer that makes you feel comfortable and confident. At Hiltner Law, we take the time to listen to our client’s story and always return your calls. Hilter’s team is equipped with experienced trial lawyers who are very well-versed when it comes to the court process — if it gets to that point. Every step of the process, we’re right by your side.

White Color Crime

Hiltner Law | Experienced Defense Attorneys

When it comes to hiring a lawyer, it’s important to know what kind of lawyer to hire. If you’re facing a white collar crime charge, be sure to hire a lawyer who is skilled enough to handle such cases. Additionally, if you know your case will face trial, be sure to hire an attorney who is ready and willing to go to trial for you. Not all lawyers are confident in handling the court and all of its elements, but Hiltner Law is! Ohio Law and his team have successfully won countless trials. Check out some of our most noteworthy courtroom successes.

If you’re unsure of what kind of lawyer you need, that’s okay too! Our team is considerate of all circumstances. Call today for a free consultation and learn which of our lawyers best suits your needs.

Hiltner Law

Hiltner Law has a great reputation and years of experience representing clients. Our team takes great pride in being trial lawyers, a feat that is not typically welcomed due to the high stakes. Count on Hiltner Law to protect your freedom and career while facing charges.

Check out our 24-hour chat live chat! Send us a message or call today for a consultation!

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